Feeling tired despite getting 8 hours solid sleep each night?

We all know that sleep is important to your overall health, but did you know there are many other factors besides the hours you sleep that can affect how tired you feel? Here are some of the most common reasons as to why you’re still tired despite sleeping the recommended amount of hours:

Girl Reading

1. Lifestyle Habits

In setting healthier habits, a simple place to start is by eating 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables each day, accompanied by a 20-minute walk every morning.

You should also aim to detox from all screens emitting blue light (phones, TVs, and laptops, for example) at least 1 hour before bed. Blue light inhibits melatonin production, making you feel less tired and in turn making it harder to fall asleep.

In this hour before you sleep, consider choosing a mentally-relaxing activity to better prepare your body for sleep. Try reading your favourite book or listening to music whilst lying down.

Cant Sleep

2. Low Iron Levels

Due to our menstrual cycles, low iron levels are very common in women. There are many reasons as to what can cause low iron levels.

Taking daily iron supplements will help increase natural energy levels, as well as improve your quality of sleep. Note that iron is absorbed better with vitamin C, so consider taking your supplements with some fresh fruit as part of your daily fruit servings. If you have worrying symptoms such as extreme fatigue and weakness, you should ask your doctors about getting your levels examined



3. Depression & Anxiety

Over 20% of Australians suffer from depression and anxiety-related disorders, which can in turn affect the quality of sleep.

Severe cases will require medical treatment, but symptoms in their milder forms can be easily managed. With regular exercise, yoga and actively practicing meditation and gratitude rituals, concentration is improved by bringing you to the moment. If you want to start exercising more but you’re not sure where to start, click here to read our article Want to exercise more but not ready to commit to the gym? Breathwork is equally as important as these methods, lowering blood pressure, calming the mind, and preparing your body for sleep.

Though the benefits of these practices are emphasised with consistent practice, you can start by clicking the link below to try a 5-minute breathing practice in the morning to begin your day from a place of calm.

Five Minute Mindful Breathing – YouTube

Sleep Apnoea

4. Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea is a condition that causes the airway to close during sleep, limiting oxygen supply and causing those with this condition to constantly wake up during the night. Sleep apnoea affects 1 in 4 Australian men over the age of 30.

Signs of sleep apnoea are loud, uneven snoring, pauses in breathing during sleep, and waking up breathless, tired, and unrefreshed.

There are many different remedies for sleep apnoea depending on the severity of the condition. Sleeping at a 45-degree angle is an easy way to mitigate symptoms, though more severe cases can require oxygen machines and even surgery. If you think you may be suffering from sleep apnoea, it is worth speaking to your doctor.


5. Thyroid issues

1 in 33 Australians – and more specifically 1 in 8 women – experience thyroid issues within their lifetime. This affects hormone production and therefore affects quality of sleep. Depending on the severity of the issue, and whether the thyroid is hyper or hypoactive, different medications and foods may be needed.

For hyperactivity, consider increasing the amount of broccoli and cabbage incorporated into your diet. Whereas for hypoactivity, aim to eat more tuna and sardines. Doing so will improve thyroid function, promote a healthy body weight, and reduce symptoms.

How can I overcome these hurdles?

Maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet is also integral to making your body feel energised. This is why it’s important to develop an eating plan catered to you and your specific health needs.

Our personal, easy-to-follow Nutrition Plans are created by expert nutritionists and include shopping lists, recipes, and calorie calculations catered to you and your body. Speak to us today or fill in your details below if you’d like to know more about our individual-specific plans.

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